Display Surfaces

An explanation of fields and properties

Choose Surfaces to Display

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Visualize control bar, select Surfaces | Other Surfaces

This dialog is used to define which surfaces are to be displayed in the primary 3D window when defining a custom surface visualization.

Field Details:

File: select the Indicator file defining the desired surface.

Use explicit surface definitions: show surfaces defined explicitly by indicator values; for example, a Pushbacks file that explicitly defines the set of pushbacks.

Show all surfaces: show all explicitly-defined surfaces.

Show selected surfaces: show the surfaces starting from the defined Start at code field, followed by subsequent surfaces interspersed by the Use interval field, finishing at the surface defined by the End at code field.

Make surfaces from extraction sequence: combine consecutive OES blocks into pits as follows:

  1. Take the first N  blocks, where N  is the number specified by the  First pit includes field, and make it the first pit.

  2. Then, take next M  blocks, where M  is the number entered in Other pits have field, and make it the second pit.

  3. Continue until all blocks are used.

Show in tab window called: enter the name for the tab window where the surfaces will be displayed.


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